Principles and Values

1) We have a shared vision on disruption.

Stopping harm is the first step towards change.

Many groups in the climate justice movement are now experimenting with increased and sustained disruption.

The societal change we are looking for is unprecedented. All successful social movements needed this element. Climate justice movement also needs it.

We are nature defending itself. We are defending against fossil capitalism’s violence that is called ‘business as usual’.

2) We are part of the movement ecosystem.

We need to stop harm and defend a livable planet.

This will take a complex movement escalation strategy.

Peaceful sabotage is one element in this ecosystem. It is not necessarily more radical or more ‘vanguard’ than any other element.

3) We choose systemic targets to stop harm.

The root cause of the climate crisis is capitalism. We focus in actions that address the systemic manifesations of climate destruction.

The targets for Climate Defense actions are

  • corporations (banks, fossil industry, etc.)
  • infrastructure (fracking sites, fossil fuel pipelines, power plants, etc.)
  • ultra-luxury consumption (private jets, yachts, SUVs, etc.)

4) Our actions are prefigurative.

By actively stopping harm, Climate Defense actions show the way to a different system as well as the path towards it.

Climate Defense is care work. Climate Defense actions actively stop the metabolical rift in the Earth climate system.

5) We cause no harm on people and animals.

Climate Defense actions do not harm people and animals, and are organized with utmost care to reduce the possibilities of such harm.

6) We are a decentralized network.

Climate Defense is a platform to give visibility for actions of peaceful sabotage and to provide capacity for newcomers.

Action groups organize actions. Action groups have their own names, political positions, demands and tactics. By using the Climate Defense symbol and the #climatedefense hashtag, action groups identify as part of this decentralized movement.

Any action group that follows the Demands and the Principles and Values can act as part of Climate Defense, by using the Climate Defense symbol and the #climatedefense and #stopharm hashtags.

