Guides and Manuals

We are collecting some manuals, guides and how-to documents here. If you are aware of more open-source content, please send us an email so we repost them as well.

Ecodefense: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching

Is your act a strategic one, or is it merely an inarticulate yell, conveying only rage, alienation, and despair? Monkeywrenchers must constantly ask themselves:

  • Who is my audience?

  • What is my message?

  • Will this deter destruction?

  • Are there legal means not yet used?

How To Deflate An SUV Tyre – Tyre Extinguishers

Our aim is to make it impossible to own a huge polluting 4×4 in the world’s urban areas. To do that, we need people everywhere deflating 4×4 tyres, week-in, week-out.