main: climate.defense [at] disroot [dot] org – PGP key
alternative: climatedefense [at] disroot [dot] org – PGP key
If you are contacting us to receive for more information on Climate Defense:
We don’t have more information than is already visible on the website.
If you want to share with us some resources that you are aware of:
We appreciate all open-source content that fits the principles and values of Climate Defense. Thank you. We will read through them and publish in the Resources page.
If you are sending us information about an action your group organized or that you heard of:
All actions that are compatible with the principles and values of Climate Defense will be published as is on the website.
We will publish your Press Release as is (if you have any), in whatever language you wrote it. In case it’s not English, we may want to write up a short summary, unless you do that for us.
Send us photos. We will clean the metadata in them before publishing, in order to create anonymity of the source. (You can also do that before sending us the photos, in case you don’t trust us.)
Please follow good practices of digital security and digital privacy. We will do our best on our side too.
We may take a few days to respond.